Ceratopsids were a group of animals that had a frill at the back of the head, some of them had horns, But all had a beak. Read more to find some cool facts about these types of animals
The most famous one was Triceratops. It had all of these features, a large frill, huge horns, and a beak. This animal had huge horns that were 3.3 f.t. (1m) in length. The frill was solid bone, really thick! It's beak was so powerful that it could snap a person's arm (even though they wouldn't!). Triceratops was a pretty big animal. It was 30f.t. (9m) in length. It lived in the Late Cretaceous. It was found in western North America. This one is my favorite dinosaur!
Styracosaurus was smaller then Triceratops but the most distinctive parts of Styracosaurus was its frill had huge horns on it and one large horn near the beak was 2 f.t. (60 cm) in length. it could use this horn when a predator came to attack the Styracosaurus would go beneath the stomach then with its huge horn slice it the attackers belly open. It was 18 f.t. (5.5m) in length. it lived in the Late Cretaceous. it was found in North America (in Alberta, Canada too). Its name means " spiked lizard" and that is quiet true!
Prodoceratops was one dinosaur that only a bump near its snout. No big horns at all! It had a beak and a frill, but still no horns! even though it had no horns when it had baby's to protect it was aggressive. It would charge at its enemies it could either bush and jab at its attacker or it could bite the attacker on the arm or slice the belly open with its beak. it was small compared to its way bigger couins. It was found in Asia, Mongolia. It was 9 f.t. (2.7 m) in length. it lived in the Late Cretaceous. He maybe small, but he is aggressive!
There are lots more ceratopsids in the Cretaceous world and they are all pretty cool too!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Utah and Montana's Dinosaur History
Dinosaurs have been found all over the world ... even at the cold poles! There are all types of dinosaurs, from carnotors to cerosapiens, sauropods e.t.c.
2 states in the United States have a lot of species of dinosaurs. Montana has a lot of Late Cretaceous dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs were Edmonosaurus, Triceratops ( my favorite dinosaur ), Tentontosaurus, Deinonocus and the famous Tyrannosaurus- rex e.t.c.
In Utah ( where my cousins live ) some Late Jurassic dinosaurs were found. Some dinosaurus were Allosaurus, Stegosaurus, Camrosaurus e.t.c.
Some cool things were found in Utah. Like when paleontologist found 40 Allosaurus skeletons in 1 site. IN 1 SITE WITH 40 ALLOSAURUS SKELETONS !!! Or when scientist uncovered a site with dinosaur skeletons mixed-up all together 1 site. The dinosaurs Found were Braciosaurus, Allosaurus, Stegosaurus and Camrosaurus. My family was going to see it, but the exibit was being worked on!
Montana is cool too. Besides... it is home to Sue the the biggest and most complete Tyrannosaurus skeloton ever! Right now it is displad in Chicogo. It is also home to Triceratops, One of the most famous dinosaurs ever.This could have been home to some battles of T-rex v.s. Triceratops and Tentontosaurus v.s. Deinonous.
They're a lot more sites of cool dinosaur sites out there, but I know about Montana and Utah!
2 states in the United States have a lot of species of dinosaurs. Montana has a lot of Late Cretaceous dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs were Edmonosaurus, Triceratops ( my favorite dinosaur ), Tentontosaurus, Deinonocus and the famous Tyrannosaurus- rex e.t.c.
In Utah ( where my cousins live ) some Late Jurassic dinosaurs were found. Some dinosaurus were Allosaurus, Stegosaurus, Camrosaurus e.t.c.
Some cool things were found in Utah. Like when paleontologist found 40 Allosaurus skeletons in 1 site. IN 1 SITE WITH 40 ALLOSAURUS SKELETONS !!! Or when scientist uncovered a site with dinosaur skeletons mixed-up all together 1 site. The dinosaurs Found were Braciosaurus, Allosaurus, Stegosaurus and Camrosaurus. My family was going to see it, but the exibit was being worked on!
Montana is cool too. Besides... it is home to Sue the the biggest and most complete Tyrannosaurus skeloton ever! Right now it is displad in Chicogo. It is also home to Triceratops, One of the most famous dinosaurs ever.This could have been home to some battles of T-rex v.s. Triceratops and Tentontosaurus v.s. Deinonous.
They're a lot more sites of cool dinosaur sites out there, but I know about Montana and Utah!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Parasaurolophus is a duck-bild dinosaur. The reason that their in the duck-bild family is because they have a snout shaped like a duck. It also has a crest that makes a trumpet kind of noise. As they breathe the air gos up the crest and comes down(pus the crest is hollow) and the cavity makes the trumpeting noise. Scientist think that the males had the biggest crest, the females had smaller crest and the juveniles(baby's) had the smallest crest. Females take care of the juveniles while their still young. If a this dinosaur was alive today you could not see the teeth because they are in the inside the moth by the cheek. these teeth are used to grind up leafs and other vegetation. They DID NOT eat grass because it did no t evolve yet! Parasaurolophus had a ton of enemies. Like T-rex, Dromeosaurus, crocodiles and other predators. It was found in North America. Sense I have had a lot of blogs you can write your favorite dinosaur and if I DID NOT write it maybe I will!. Bye!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
T-rex is a favorite around the world. Trex is the 2nd biggest meat-eating dinosaur. It was 40 feet (12 m) long and estimated to weigh 5-6 tons. T-rex is so popular it was in my favorite movies Jurassic Park. Its nick name is tyrant king lizard and I can see why! hard to believe that its teeth can be as longs bananas! Scientist are not sure what T-rex's arms were used for but I read in some books that it may have helped it while lying on the ground push its self off the ground. T-rex could not have run super fast because of its weight, but it may have ran about 20-25 mils per hour. T-rex was an ambusher. It would hide and wait for a little then at the right moment and when it selected its prey it would charge at surprised prey. Then the chase was on! It would clamp down on its victim with banana sized teeth and hold it until the prey was tired out and died. Then it would eat. It did prey on duck-biled dinosaurs like Maiasaura and ceratosians like triceratops(let triceratops win). T-rex lived in the late Certaceous. T-rex had a long tail to balance its body weight. Sue the T-rex is the most complete skeleton of any T-rex.I read about Sue but I can't remember it but I do Know that it was found by a paleontologist named Sue and her pet dog. T-rex is one interesting animal!
Diplodocus was a sauropod of the late Jurassic. It was 90 ft. (27 m) long. It's tail is like a whip that will lash out on an attacker and boy that would hurt! Because of it's whip tail it is considered a whip tailed sauropod. It was found in Utah,Colorado and Wyoming. Diplodocus has peg teeth for striping off plants. It didn't have it's neck held high so it held it level. Diplodocus had front legs shorter than it's back legs. It could rear up on it's hind legs and get hard to reach leaves, but not hold it for a long period of time.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Baryonyx is the rarest dinosaur. Only one skeleton has been found... ONE SKELETON!!! Baryonyx has a suckle shape claw that helps to catch slippery fish.That claw can be 30cm long. It's length is 30 ft. (9.1 m). It lived in the Early Cretaceous 121 millon years ago. It was found in Southern London. Baryonyx is a spinosaurids like spinosaurusand others.It had a crocodile mouth.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Biggest Meat-Eating Dinosaur v.s. Largest Dinosaur ever

Now if you thought that Giganotosaurus was big ... THINK AGAIN! Argentinosaurus was the biggest dinosaur ever! It was 123 feet (37.5m). It is a sauropod ( it is in the picture). Early Cretaceous. Each back bone weighs 2 tons. it was a plant -eater. It was named after Argentina.
Now imagine the 2 dinosaurs we were talking about fighting. Wouldn't that be cool! Giganotosaurus slicing teeht. Argentinosaurus had size. 2 BIG dinosaurs fight. one big questin remains .. who would win!? Who knows? Maybe Giganotosaurus, or Argantinosaurus. Who knows?
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Mix Up Years for Iguonodon
When the dinosaur named Iguonodon was discovered scientist thought that Igonodon had a horn on it's nose like the middle nose horn of Triceratops. Then later in the years scientist relised that the horn was really a thom-spike. But one person made a park with Iguonodon and other dinosaurs ... in older fashion!
Iguonodon was the second dinosaur ever found, the first dinosaur was Megolosaurus. Iguonodon was a comen dinosaur because so many skeletons of Iguonodon. It was found in Europe and North Amarica. The reason it was named Iguonodon because ithd teeth of a iguana.
Iguonodon was the second dinosaur ever found, the first dinosaur was Megolosaurus. Iguonodon was a comen dinosaur because so many skeletons of Iguonodon. It was found in Europe and North Amarica. The reason it was named Iguonodon because ithd teeth of a iguana.
No More Brontosaurus

There was a mistake with Brontosaurus. There was a story that a scientist found bones of a huge long-necked dinosaur named Brontosaurus. Later the same scientist found the bones of another long-necked dinosaur named Apatosaurus. In 1903 another scientist named Elmer Riggs looked at both skeletons and he realised that Brontosaurus had the body of a Apatosaurus and the head of a Camarasaurus head. WHAT A MIX UP!
But another mistake with ALL dinosaurs...there tails were dragging! All scientist say that dinosaurs tails were held up because when dinosaurs walked near a base of water the sand and mud mix together they make fossilised foot prints. If dinosaurs did drag their tails they would have been fossilised.
But another mistake with ALL dinosaurs...there tails were dragging! All scientist say that dinosaurs tails were held up because when dinosaurs walked near a base of water the sand and mud mix together they make fossilised foot prints. If dinosaurs did drag their tails they would have been fossilised.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Brachiosaurus is my moms favorite dinosaur. It was a huge dinosaur, it stood 4 stories ( or 5). A feature some saurapods don't have ..... it's front legs were bigger than it's hind legs ! I think it makes the dinosaur taller because it makes the chest,neck and head higher. If a predator dares to attack this big dinosaur it's in trouble! Brachiosaurus head may have been small, but it's front legs could have been a lethal weapon. It could kick the predator ..... then the predator may think twice ! Brachiosaurus had nostrils at the TOP of it's head. Brachiosaurus traveled in herds. How do we know this ? Because we found Brachiosaurus tracks. These dinosaurs had plant-eating teeth. They ate at the tops of trees were no other dinosaur could reach. They are cool!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Favorite Dinosaurs
Here are some of my favorite dinosaurs.
- Triceratops
- Spinosaurus
- Allosaurus
- Pachyrinosaurus
- Shuchromimus
And many, many,MANY more!!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Stegosaurus was a huge plant-eater. It had huge plates on its back. It had 2 rows of plates. It also had 4 spikes on its tail. If a predator attacked Stegosaurus his in trouble! Stegosaurus would pump blood in his plates to scare the attacker. And if that did`t work Stegosaurus would lash his tail that would wound the attacker. It lived in the Jurassic Period. You woudn`t believe that Stegosaurus had the brain the size of a walnut! It had a baek. If Stegosaurus whanted to it could rear up on its hind legs.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Fun Facts About the Cretacous Period
- The Cretaceous Period had the most dinosaurs of all the periods
- Triceratops,T-Rex and some other dinosaurs were the last dinosaurs
- The Cretaceous Period was the last period in the Mesozoic area
- The Cretaceous Period began 146 million years ago
- The Cretaceous Period content placement is similar to ours
- The climate was warm
- The meteor ended the Cretaceous Period and the end of dinosaurs
Here is a cool video I found- check it out
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Spinosaurus lived in North African. Spinosaurus lived in the Late Cretaceous. Spinosaurus looks like a type of crocodile or alligator.It ate fish and meat.
Spinosaurus had a huge sail on its back it grew to 5 feet! Scientist probably it was used for warming and colling the animal. It was a Spinosaurids. It was close related to an animal that was not a dinosaur and it was Dimetrodon. It was 56-59 feet long. It had crocodile-like teeth.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Triceratops is the largest Ceratopsian. A Ceratopsian is a animal that has a neck frill and horns. Some other Ceratopsian are Styracosaurus, Protoceratops and Chasmosaurus. My dad and I love them! Its enemy is T-Rex.
Triceratops was a scary-looking dinosaur. Its 2 huge horns were 3 feet long! Its skull is 6 feet. It was 30 feet long and weighed 10 tons! It did have a short horn. They have short legs and tail. It had a strong beak probably to crush twigs. It had a short neck. Its teeth for chewing were hidden in the cheek of the dinosaur. It had 4 toes per-foot.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Age of Reptiles
What are dinosaurs? Dinosaurs were cold-blooded reptiles. But that doesn't mean they have cold blood! That means their body temperature is the same as the temperature outside. Dinosaurs first evolved in the Triassic period. Next was the Jurassic period. The most well known dinosaurs like T-Rex and Triceratops were in the Cretaceous period.
65 million years ago they became extinct. There are many theories about how this happened. But the most common way was a asteroid came plummeting down to Earth at high speeds. Then with clouds of dust that blocked out the sun. Trees and other vegetation couldn't get sunlight and they died. Then the plant- eating dinosaurs that ate the plants and they would die too. Then the meat-eating dinosaurs would eat all the dead dinosaurs. They would then turn on each other. When nothing else was left to eat for the survives they would die too.
Dinosaurs had scaly skin that covered them. How do we know this? Because scientist called paleontologist dig up fossilized dinosaur skin if they are lucky. Paleontologist also dig up dinosaurs bones that we see in museums. People discovered 900 types of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs had to die by water to get fossilized. Because the mud and sand had to be mixed together so it could become rock like a protective suit to last over time.
65 million years ago they became extinct. There are many theories about how this happened. But the most common way was a asteroid came plummeting down to Earth at high speeds. Then with clouds of dust that blocked out the sun. Trees and other vegetation couldn't get sunlight and they died. Then the plant- eating dinosaurs that ate the plants and they would die too. Then the meat-eating dinosaurs would eat all the dead dinosaurs. They would then turn on each other. When nothing else was left to eat for the survives they would die too.
Dinosaurs had scaly skin that covered them. How do we know this? Because scientist called paleontologist dig up fossilized dinosaur skin if they are lucky. Paleontologist also dig up dinosaurs bones that we see in museums. People discovered 900 types of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs had to die by water to get fossilized. Because the mud and sand had to be mixed together so it could become rock like a protective suit to last over time.
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