Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Parasaurolophus is a duck-bild dinosaur. The reason that their in the duck-bild family is because they have a snout shaped like a duck. It also has a crest that makes a trumpet kind of noise. As they breathe the air gos up the crest and comes down(pus the crest is hollow) and the cavity makes the trumpeting noise. Scientist think that the males had the biggest crest, the females had smaller crest and the juveniles(baby's) had the smallest crest. Females take care of the juveniles while their still young. If a this dinosaur was alive today you could not see the teeth because they are in the inside the moth by the cheek. these teeth are used to grind up leafs and other vegetation. They DID NOT eat grass because it did no t evolve yet! Parasaurolophus had a ton of enemies. Like T-rex, Dromeosaurus, crocodiles and other predators. It was found in North America. Sense I have had a lot of blogs you can write your favorite dinosaur and if I DID NOT write it maybe I will!. Bye!